LEARN to speak dog… what is Temp?

Golden Hours starting May 15, 2024. Afternoon Half Daytime Socialization 12:30pm-5:00pm by Lauren Hayes

Do you have a Golden Retriever? We have a few… and by special request we have created a “Golden Hour.” Starting May 15, 2024 12:30-5:00.

Fear Periods

Why does my puppy destructively chew?


Here are some valuable tips for furrents (fur parents) on managing chewing behavior in their furry companions. Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and understanding why they chew and how to redirect their chewing onto appropriate items is essential for a harmonious home environment.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Chewing is normal: Dogs of all ages, including puppies and adult pals, chew to explore their surroundings, alleviate discomfort from teething, relieve stress and anxiety, and simply for fun. Recognize that chewing is a natural behavior and provide appropriate outlets for it.

  2. Puppy teething: Puppies go through a teething phase, usually completed by around 6 months of age. During this time, they may have a strong urge to chew to relieve teething discomfort. Provide them with safe chew toys specifically designed for teething puppies.

  3. Pal-proof your home: Just as you would childproof your home for a toddler, take measures to pal-proof your house. Keep valuable objects, shoes, papers, cords, and personal items out of your pal's reach. Create a safe and comfortable space for your pal, such as using a crate or a designated area with appropriate chew toys.

  4. Confinement when unsupervised: If you can't supervise your pal, provide a safe confinement area, such as a crate or a small room with the door or a baby gate closed. Remove any items that your pal shouldn't chew, and provide them with a variety of appropriate toys and chew items to keep them occupied.

  5. Offer a variety of toys: Provide your pal with a variety of toys to keep them engaged and prevent boredom. Observe their preferences and offer toys that they enjoy. Rotate the toys every few days to keep them interested.

  6. Edible chews: Offer your pal some edible chews like bully sticks, pig ears, or natural vegetables like carrots or squash. However, be cautious and supervise your pal when they're enjoying edible chews to prevent choking hazards.

  7. Supervision and redirection: Supervise your pal during their waking hours until you feel confident that their chewing behavior is under control. If you catch them chewing on inappropriate items, calmly say "Ut-Nah," remove the item from their mouth, and provide them with something appropriate to chew on. Praise them when they make the right choice.

Remember, patience and kindness are key when teaching your pal appropriate chewing behavior. They are learning from you, so consistent guidance and providing them with suitable alternatives will help them understand what is acceptable to chew on.



As a dog owner, it's important to be aware of the risks of heartworm disease and take preventive measures. Mosquitoes play a significant role in the transmission of heartworms, and understanding the symptoms and consequences of heartworm infection is crucial for your dog's health.

Here's what you can do to prevent heartworm disease:

  1. Consult with your veterinarian: Discuss heartworm prevention options with your veterinarian. They can recommend the most suitable preventive medication for your dog based on factors such as their health, age, and lifestyle. Avoid using over-the-counter medications that are not approved by the FDA, as their safety and efficacy may be questionable.

  2. Oral monthly heartworm medications: There are oral medications available that are administered once a month to prevent heartworm infection. These medications are often available in flavored forms that dogs find palatable.

  3. Monthly topical (spot-on) heartworm medications: Topical medications can be applied to your dog's skin once a month to prevent heartworm infection. These medications are usually applied between the shoulder blades and are absorbed into the bloodstream.

  4. Injectable heartworm medication: Another option is an injectable heartworm medication administered by a veterinarian. This type of medication provides protection against heartworms for six months.

Be diligent in administering the preventive medication as directed by your veterinarian, especially during mosquito season or when mosquitoes are prevalent in your area.

Recognizing the symptoms of heartworm disease is crucial for early detection and treatment. Common symptoms include:

  1. A soft, dry cough, especially after exercise.

  2. Inactivity or lethargy, with a reluctance to engage in physical activities.

  3. Weight loss or loss of appetite.

  4. Rapid or difficult breathing.

  5. Bulging chest or protruding ribs.

  6. Allergic reactions or asthmatic symptoms.

  7. Collapse, which can be a sign of a severe heartworm infestation known as caval or vena cava syndrome.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it's important to consult your veterinarian promptly for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Remember, preventing heartworm disease is far easier and safer than treating an infected dog. By taking proactive measures to protect your dog from heartworms, you can ensure their well-being and minimize the risks associated with this serious condition.


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At PAWS'itive Pals Dog Training, we understand the importance of exercise and training for dogs, even when the weather is inclement. However, there are certain considerations and precautions we take to ensure the safety and comfort of both the dogs and our staff. Here's what we do during different weather conditions:

  1. Rain: We are open when it rains, but if the weather is wet and below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, we are closed. Dogs generally don't enjoy cold rain, so for their well-being, we take necessary precautions. Our staff dresses appropriately for the weather, and if the rain becomes too uncomfortable for the dogs, we seek refuge in Davinci's Haven, an indoor area that is covered and heated. We engage the dogs in indoor games and continue with their training in a close-quarters setting.

  2. Rain jackets and boots: Yes, you are allowed to dress your dog in rain jackets and boots. However, please be aware that there is a risk of clothing getting torn while the dogs are active and playing. We do not provide training on how to wear these items, so if you need assistance in teaching your dog to wear them, feel free to ask us for suggestions.

  3. Thunder: When there is thunder, we take immediate action to ensure the safety and comfort of the dogs. The Pal Pack is brought inside Davinci's Haven, where all the dogs are tethered to benches in the gazebo. They are engaged in indoor activities, and those experiencing anxiety are provided with food/treat-related games. Our staff closely monitors all the dogs during this time.

  4. Snow: Dogs generally love the snow, and we do too! We take advantage of snowy weather to provide the dogs with fun and engaging activities. We ensure that the play areas are safe and suitable for snowy conditions, allowing the dogs to enjoy their time while also practicing their training.

  5. Temperature closures: We base our school closures on the weather report from the Wunderground application. If the weather is wet and below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, we close for the day. This is done to prioritize the well-being and comfort of both the dogs and our staff.

By implementing these measures, we aim to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for dogs to exercise, play, and learn, even during challenging weather conditions.